Ўзбекистоннинг бир гуруҳ исломшунос, шарқшунос олимлари Буюк Британияга сафари чоғида Кембриж университетига ташриф буюриб, ушбу нуфузли таълим даргоҳининг профессор ва мутахассислари билан учрашувлар ўтказди, деб хабар беради ЎзА. 

Кембриж университетининг Марказий Осиё форуми директори профессор Сидхарт Саксена билан Ўзбекистонда яқинда ташкил этилган Ислом цивилизацияси маркази, Имoм Бухорий халқаро илмий-тадқиқот маркази, Ўзбекистонга оид хориждаги маданий бойликларни татқиқ этиш маркази ҳамда Тошкент ислом университетининг исломшунослик илмий-тадқиқот маркази ўртасида ҳамкорлик бўйича келишувга эришилди. 

Олимнинг таъкидлашича, Кембриж профессор-ўқитувчилари Тошкент ислом университети, Ўзбекистон Ислом академиясининг талаба ва тадқиқотчилари учун махсус маърузалар ўқийди, Ўзбекистонда ўтказиладиган халқаро форумларда иштирок этади. 

«Жаҳон рейтингларида Оксфорд университетидан кейин иккинчи ўринни мунтазам эгаллаб келаётган Кембрижнинг нуфузли нашрларида ўзбекистонлик мутахассислар илмий мақолалари чоп этилади. Икки томон олимлари қўшма илмий гуруҳи ташкил этилади. Ҳамкорликда долзарб мавзуларда тадқиқотлар амалга оширилади», — дейилади хабарда. 

Томонлар, шунингдек, Кембриж университетида Хоразмий ва Ибн Сино стипендияларини таъсис этиш тўғрисида ҳам келишиб олди. 

Қайд этилишича, жорий йилнинг 12 февралидан эътиборан Кембриж университетида ўзбек тили дарслари ташкил этилди. Эришилган келишувларга мувофиқ, янги ўқув йилидан бошлаб Ўзбекистондан келган мутахассислар ушбу курсларда дарс бера бошлайди. 

ЎМИ Матбуот хизмати

Савол: Намоздан сўнг тасбеҳ ўгирилаётганида 33 мартадан “Субҳоналлоҳ”, “Алҳамдулиллаҳ”, “Аллоҳу акбар” дейилади. Ушбу сўзларнинг айнан 33 мартадан айтилишининг сири нимада? 

Жавоб: Саҳобалардан баъзи камбағаллари Расулуллоҳ (соллаллоҳу алайҳи ва саллам) олдиларига келиб: “Бадавлатлар туя, мол, қўйларни Аллоҳ йўлига қурбонлик қилиб катта-катта савобларнинг эгаси бўлишяпти. Бизларда ундай мол-дунё бўлмаса, улар қилган савобни қандай қила оламиз”, деб арз қилишганида: “Сизлар ҳар намоздан сўнг 33 марта “Субҳоналлоҳ”, 33 марта “Алҳамдулиллаҳ”, 33 марта “Аллоҳу акбар” десангиз, булар 99 та бўлиб, уларни “Ла илаҳа иллаллаҳу ваҳдаҳу ла шарика лаҳу, ...(охиригача)”ни айтиш билан 100 мартага етказсангиз, Аллоҳ йўлида жонлиқ сўйиб, қурбонлик қилганнинг савобини топасизлар” деганлар. Демак, рақамга эмас, балки Расулуллоҳ (алайҳиссалом)нинг сўзларига эътибор беришимиз лозим.


Сўраган эдингиз китоби асосида тайёрланди

ЎМИ Матбуот хизмати

As it was informed earlier, a group of scholars on Islamic and oriental studies have visited Oxford and later Cambridge University. They met with professors and discussed future research perspectives. 

Partnership agreements between Central Asian Forum of Cambridge University and Center for Islamic Civilization, Imam Buhari scientific-research center, The Center for research on Uzbek cultural heritage abroad and Tashkent Islamic University were signed. 

According to the agreement scholars from Cambridge University are expected to provide lectures at Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and Tashkent Islamic University and participate in international conferences. Scientific articles of Uzbek researches are going to be published in Cambridge magazines.

The sides agreed on establishing Khorazmi and Ibn Sina scholarships. Cambridge University expressed its willingness to cooperate in scientific and family tourism.

Dr. Siddharth Saxena highly evaluated positive developments in the sphere of ancient cultural heritage research. He also noted that British Oxford and Cambridge University buildings were constructed similar to the architectural styles of madrasahs in Bukhara and Samarkand whic once again proves that friendship relationships were established centuries ago. 

We greatly benefit from scientific cooperation with scientists from Uzbekistan as there is great need at our university for specialists who work on cataloging manuscripts in Turkish and Farsi.  

It should be noted with great applause that Uzbek lessons started to be offered at Cambridge University since February 12th, 2018. According to the agreements specialists visiting Cambridge from Uzbekistan would be providing Uzbek lessons.

At the end of the meetings the sides expressed their gratitude to the leaders of both countries for the friendly mutual relationships in all spheres of life including science.


Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan


A numerous events are being organized in order to strengthen relationship with our long century religious friends.  

“Arabic books and culture days” has been initiated by the President of Turkey and held for the third time by Turkish writers union in Istanbul and Hashimi publishing house.


The event hosted quests from Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Irak, Livan, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Tunis, Palestine, Sudan, Qatar and Kuwait.

More than 60 books published in Turkey and Muslim countries were presented in the event.

Jasur Raupov, Assistant Chief Imam of “Islom ota” grand mosque in Tashkent participated on behalf of Muslim Board of Uzbekistan with the speech “Present situation of madrasas in Uzbekistan”. 

Participants from more than 22 countries asked a number of interesting question and expressed willingness to visit Uzbekistan. The event will continue until 11th March. 

Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan


It is true that Uzbekistan is the center for historical buildings. Some of them are more than three thousand years. For example, “Hasti Imam” complex in Tashkent with it’s the first Quran of Usman dating to the VII century attracts thousands of tourists. There are many historical spots in Bukhara as well, one of them is Bakhauddin Naqshband memorial complex. Bahauddin Naqshband rahmatullahi alayh lived in XIV century and founded Naqshbandiya path of Sufism. 

Notes for tourists……..

All efforts are being done to make better impression for tourists visiting Uzbekistan. For this reason a new initiatives are being put forward to develop tourism sphere. Starting from February 10th, 2018 the citizens form the following countries: Israel, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Turkey, Japan and Singapore can visit Uzbekistan for 30 days. For 39 countries visa procedures have been simplified. So, as a result 16 countries can visit Uzbekistan without entry visas.  

Up to this day only 9 countries have been using non-visa entry status. Those countries were Azerbaijan, Armaniston, Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia and Kyrgyzstan. 

Starting from 1st May, 2018 tourists are going to receive on arrival short term visas and later in summer E-visa is expected to be implemented. Then tourists would be able to do all procedures online including payment.

Besides, Uzbekistan Airlines, national air company is widening its routes in Scandinavia and South-East Asia with direct flight offers.

US State Department included Uzbekistan to the list of the most secure and trusted countries for US tourists on January 10, 2018.

These all proves that Uzbekistan will become one of the most attracted touristic countries in the world.


Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan

