Delegation headed by Usmankhan Alimov, Chairman of Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, Muftiy and Jasurbek Akramov, Chairman of the Committee for Religious Affairs under the Cabinet Ministers of Uzbekistan is visiting Namangan region in order to have genuine talks with the ordinary Muslims.
During the meeting which was held in Uchkurgan district all speakers, first of all, praised Allah Almighty for the current blessing days and thanked sincerely the government efforts directed to develop and improve religious-enlightenment sphere initiated by the Honorable President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

In his speech Jasurbek Akramov, Chairman of the Committee for the Religious Affairs underlined the importance of the President Decree “On rational improvement of religious-enlightenment sphere” dated April 16, 2018 which foresees a number practical improvements in the daily life of common muslims. Mr. Akramov also mentioned President’s recent visit to Namangan region where the Head of the State, Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave several instruction including scope and capacity of “Hidoya” Madrasah - specialized secondary Islamic school.   

In its turn, Usmankhan Alimov strengthened the aforementioned ideas with Qur’an ayats and hadiths. He noted that every true worshipper should be thankful countless times to The Merciful Allah and support all the positive developments happening in our country with at least sincere prayers.

The delegation’s open talks with ordinary worshippers are continuing.


Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan

A group of scholars in oriental and Islamic studies visited National Library of France and the Languages and Civilization Library of France in Paris in order to introduce French cultural circles with a wide range of developments in Uzbekistan reports UzA.

The main purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the activity of libraries in France, preservation of rare manuscripts of our ancestors and establish partnership among the institutions. It is worth noting that Languages and Civilization Library is unique in France which has a department for Central Asian documents. The library has manuscripts, rare books and research works in more than 350 languages from around 180 countries. More than hundred students, researchers and guests visit the library daily.

The sides agreed on exchange of specialists and presentation of books published in Uzbekistan which was held the same day at the library where 15 books published by Imam Bukhari International scientific-research center was shown. The Uzbek delegation felt proud to hear Mr. Benjamin Gishar’s acknowledgment that Uzbekistan stood out among Central Asian countries with its rich scientific potential. He also mentioned that Imam Bukhari’s XVII century “Sahihi Bukhari”, Ibn Sina’s “The Laws of Treatment”, Mirzo Ulugbek’s “Ziji jadidi Kuragoni”, Mahmud Zamahshariy’s “Mukaddamatul adab” were among the true treasures of the libarary and in that respect French part was willing to cooperate with Uzbek specialists to study the manuscripts.

During the talks held in the National Library of France which has 31 million books it was concluded that specialists from Imam Bukhari International Research Center and The Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan would be given access to the manuscripts in order to get copies from VIII-XI centuries Qur’an, Imam Bukhari, Khorezmi, Beruniy and Fergani’s works in Arabic and Latin languages. Within the framework of “Cultural Employee” program two practitioners from Uzbekistan would be admitted for manuscript digitalization specialization.

Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan

UAE is holding the first International Minority Muslim Congress in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the country on May 8-9, 2018. More than 400 representatives from around 140 countries are participating in the event. The event aims to discuss the solutions for the issues muslim minorities are facing in their countries.

Doctor Ali Rashid Nuaymiy is chairing the event and Doctor Muhammad Bashariy is assisting. Ms Odinakhon Muhammad Yusuf, religious scientist, a daughter of world-known scholar Muhammad Yusuf Muhammad Sadik (rahmatullahi alayh) is representing Uzbekistan in this congress.


Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan


As part of the commemoration of “9th of May – Remembrance and Honor Day” imams in Samarkand visited World War II veterans, war labor veterans and venerated retired people. Elders were excited to receive gifts from religious leaders of their community who made for aged people sincere supplications, advised them to take care of their health and pray for our countries peace and prosperity. In its turn elderly people shared their memories of those extremely unbearable times during the war which has been won by the contribution of brave hearts of our grandparents.

It would be proper to mention hadith narrated by Abu Dawood and Imam Termithiy in which our dearest prophet Muhammad sallollohu alayhi wasssalam says: “Those who do not show mercy on our young generation and who do not respect our elders are not from us.” Undoubtedly, imams followed this hadith by honoring our aged people.

Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan  

R.T.Erdogan, President of Turkish Republic wished many happy returns to Muslims of Uzbekistan on Holy Baroat Night (May 1st, which was 15th of Shaban according to the lunar calendar). He advised to make sincere supplications for peace in the world, including in Turkey and Uzbekistan. Mr. Erdogan also mentioned to pray for prosperity, health and long lasting genuine friendly relations for two countries. His message was received with great excitement by ordinary people of both countries as it was observed in the social media.

 After signing a number of mutual agreements on construction, textile, tourism and etc the head of states met with business circles of Uzbekistan and Turkey, where President Sh.Mirziyoyev’s speech was received with continuous applause by investors. On May 1st, two presidents visited Naqshbandiy Shrine in Bukhara and made earnest prayers.

Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan
