The second International online scientific-practical symosium on "The Maturidiyya Teachings and the present"

The main directions of the symposium are:
- Life and scientific heritage of Imam Maturidi;
- The Maturidiyya teachings and its history;
- The importance of the Maturidiyya teachings today;
- Issues of modern Islamic studies;
- The study of the Maturidiyya teachings today;
- Propagation of moderate Islamic teachings.
Scientists, specialists, professors, doctoral students, researchers, masters, and students from all over the world can apply to participate in the symposium.
Articles for the symposium will be accepted in Uzbek, Arabic, English, Turkish, Russian, German, French, Persian, and Urdu.
The results of the symposium will be published in the form of a scientific collection.
Those wishing to participate in the Symposium are required to submit an article annotation by February 28, 2022, to the addresses below.

Telephone: (71) 244-35-26, (71) 244-35-18;
Telegram: +998 99 803 31 41;
E-mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.;
WhatsApp: +998 91 172 76 77

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