Ўзбекистон янгиликлари

Acting more cohesively and decisively on the way of the fate and future of Motherland is the imperative of time

On June 15, 2017, a conference dedicated to issues of ensuring social stability, preserving true essence and content of our sacred Islamic religion was held in Tashkent. The conference was attended by the heads of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, religious figures, activists of the “Nuroniy” and “Makhalla” funds, the Women’s Committee, social movement of youth “Kamolot”, representatives of khokimiyats, law enforcement bodies, scientists and cultural figures, heads and students of Islamic educational institutions, public representatives. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made his address at the meeting. 

The head of our country noted that today it is very important to raise activities in socio-spiritual direction, further strengthening healthy atmosphere in families, makhallas, in society to a new stage by strengthening interethnic and inter-confessional friendship and cohesion, increasing attention to education of youth, preserving the true essence and content of sacred Islamic religion along with all spheres of our life. 

As it is known, one of the most important factors of ensuring social stability in any society is achievement of people’s trust, embodiment of their hopes and aspirations. In recent years, great work is being implemented in our country in this direction. Activities of People’s receptions and Virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is organized, which have become an important institution for ensuring the interests, alleviating concerns of people. 

The President of our country emphasized that dialogue with people is not a temporary campaign, as some people think, but an invariable priority of the state policy, an issue that is at the center of constant attention. 

Representatives of more than 130 nations and nationalities, various religious confessions are living and working in peace and harmony in Uzbekistan today. All conditions are created so that they could preserve and develop their national culture, traditions and customs. There are 138 national cultural centers in our country. Committee on interethnic relations and friendly ties with foreign countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan is established on the basis of the Republican international cultural center in order to raise their activity to a new stage, further development of cultural relations with foreign countries.  

Since the first years of independence, priority attention was paid to ensuring freedom of conscience in our country. A lot has been done for preserving purity of our sacred religion, reviving national values, honoring memory and preserving heritage of our great ancestors, improving places of their repose, and this process is consistently continuing. 

As it was emphasized at the conference, rich history and culture of our country, which is one of the cradles of Islamic science and culture, life and priceless spiritual heritage of our great thinkers, has not yet been fully explored. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized that activities on creation of the Center of Islamic Culture of Uzbekistan in the city of Tashkent have been started in order to comprehensively study rich historical, scientific and spiritual heritage of our people, its broad popularization among the world public, the most important, profound disclosure of truly humanistic essence and content of the Islamic religion.  

Extensive information about great Islamic scholars and thinkers, outstanding poets and writers, artists and calligraphers who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of world culture will be collected in this center. 

The head of our state noted the need to strengthen dialogue with youth by raising the level of knowledge, education, life and effective examples, imparting healthy attitude to religion. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed his views on increasing the effectiveness of activities of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, creating facilities for its acting organizations and religious workers. 

Speakers at the conference noted that the speech of the President of our country is permeated with a noble desire to resolve actual issues that directly affect the fate and future of our Motherland, the life of each of our compatriots, especially the younger generation. Activities in this direction are outlined in detail, called for active participation in implementation of these tasks, sparing no effort, knowledge and experience, uniting and showing dedication in this path. 


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